
A Place Plan for ColGlen

The Community Council and Development Trust along with support from Argyll and Bute Climate Action Network are facilitating the co-creation of a place plan for our area.

Here is the flyer introducing this project:

Links in the flyer:


Open Email to the Community on the Argyll Rally 25 Consultation

Michael Russell, Vice-chair of the Community Council writes:

Further to the meeting held on Wednesday night about the Argyll Rally, Sam Spencer from the Rally shared  the community consultation document for the 2025 Rally yesterday and I append it to this … [post as a downloadable document]

The CC has already responded, and I also give the response below [in this post]. You will see that we have taken an interim position, supporting the rally but suggesting some important changes including reducing the usage of what the Rally calls the “Kilmodan” Road and which we would call the West Road.

The CC’s next meeting is on Monday 9th September in the Glen Hall at 7.30pm and at that meeting we will decide if we should make any further response.   We will also ensure that we have representation at as many of the future meetings about this as we can.

Finally  the address to which individual responses to the consultation can be sent, is

and that should be done as quickly as possible.     You may wish to copy your responses to  Argyll & Bute Council , Motorsport UK and the RSAC which is the Scottish Motorsport body and which has a role in supervising rallies in Scotland.

Those addresses are :


Finally thanks are due to everyone who came to the meeting or who emailed beforehand.  By and large there was a positive discussion and most people believed that the points being made would be useful in improving the situation for the rally and for the local community.

Best wishes


Begin forwarded message:

From: Michael Russell

To: Sam Spencer, Clerk of the Course, Dunoon Presents Argyll Rally

Subject: Rally Consultation – views from COLGLEN Community Council

Date: 23 August 2024 at 11:31:12 BST

Dear Sam

Thank you for coming to the community meeting on Wednesday night and for your very positive and thoughtful input.    The Community Council is now responding to the consultation  document you sent yesterday and this email is also being copied to Colin Moulson, of Dunoon Presents  and Hugh O’Neill  of Argyll and Bute Council  as well as to  all those who attended on Wednesday along with the links to the document you provided. 

However, whilst the  Colintraive and Glendaruel Community Council would  like this response to be considered as a formal response to the consultation we will look at the proposals in more detail at our   next  meeting due on 9th September and may add additional  information at that time.

Firstly we would want to make it clear that we are not against the rally and indeed welcome the economic benefits it produces.    What we want to see is the experience of and benefits arising from the rally improved for all residents of our area.    

We do not presently believe that those benefits have been evenly spread nor that , where they exist, information about them has been communicated  as effectively as  needs to be the case.     We are also of the view that there has been inadequate consultation with those most seriously affected by the rally (largely those whose access to, and egress from,  their homes is curtailed by the rally) .   In particular we regard the three or four week period for consultation on the detailed plans to be inadequate and we would suggest that the planning cycle for the rally be developed to allow a longer  and more meaningful consultation period. 

The ColGlen CC does of course accept that it needs to be more actively involved with the rally planning process  and will now try to be so although it should be noted that we are a very small Community Council with the bare legal minimum of 5 members. 

Turning to the  discussion at the meeting held on Wednesday night  we would make the following points:1)Allowing damage to go unrepaired for any period of time is not acceptable.    We suggest that the Rally organisers list the damage that has been done immediately after each rally and make that list available to the CC and through the CC to local residents.   The Rally must then  take an active role in ensuring that the damage is repaired speedily and completely.   

  It would also be a small but useful compensation for residents most affected if the Fearnoch and Kilmodan stretches had the road surface repaired and brought up to a much better standard.    We understand the pressure on the local authority in terms of resources but lack of attention to the road surface after each rally is cumulative and concerning. 2) The conditions applied to the organisers  within the agreed licence needed to be observed and seen to be observed.For example there needs to be  strict supervision of competitors on practice days so that access is not curtailed for residents  and dangerous speeds and road hogging are prevented.

   Emergency phone numbers  on the rally days  must be manned and responsive.   

3)  Signing for practice days needs to be put in place early and kept there.   Signage on rally days must also be clearer about what is closed and must also stress what is open.   Damage to local businesses in places like Tighnabruaich must be avoided  by making it clear that access  is always open to places not hosting closed stages. 

4) The Rally should ensure that where there is a closure that impinges on residents in terms of their accessing their homes or being able to leave, then that is confined to a single session over the two days.  That change would by itself reduce very substantially expressed concerns from affected residents.    That session should either be Friday evening,  Saturday morning, or Saturday afternoon. Whilst the Fearnoch (B886) proposal has reduced the closure  from that imposed in  2024, the proposal for 2025 for the closure of what we call the West Road and the Rally calls Kilmodan is now even more unacceptable given that the road would be closed for all of Friday evening until the early hours of Saturday morning, and then for all of Saturday – morning, afternoon and evening and we would want to see that proposal withdrawn.     Whilst they are outwith our area, we also think that more consultation is needed with the new areas included in the plans.   

We understand that a minimum mileage is required to allow  the rally to run and attract entrants, but there are alternatives in the area – for example within Cowal itself   the roads to Lochgoilhead ,Ardentinny and Inverchoalain  are not yet being used.  

5) The consultation process with local residents most affected by closures has not been good enough and we would urge you to make direct contact with residents on any stretch of road that is proposed for closure.   We are concerned on reading the information on the Motorsport UK website that there seems to be a contradiction in advice to organisers regarding consultation.   We believe local people affected have the right to be heard and with that in mind we are encouraging residents   to respond to your consultation  and to copy their responses , if they so wish, to  Motorsport UK, to the RSAC in Scotland and to Argyll & Bute Council.

I hope the above is helpful and I would stress again our aim in making these points is both to represent  the range of views made to us at the meeting and beforehand , but also to ensure that the rally is able to develop strong community support in our area , as we know exists in Mull for that long established rally.   Many people in our area already  welcome the initiative and ensuring that these concerns are heard and acted on would  we believe significantly assist the rally organisers, competitors and spectators as well as those  local residents who remain adversely affected.

Yours sincerely

Michael W Russell


On behalf of ColGlen Community Council 


Community Council AGM

7.30pm, on the 9th September at the Glendaruel Village Hall

The Annual General Meeting was postponed from June to September at the June meeting of the CC

AGM Agenda

  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Declarations of Interests
  3. Minutes of previous AGM
  4. Matters Arising
  5. Election of Office Bearers
  6. Chair’s Report
  7. Annual Accounts
  8. AOCB
  9. DONM

Agenda for following normal CC Meeting

  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Declarations of Interest
  3. Minutes of Last Meeting
  4. Matters Arising
  5. Police Update
  6. Council Update
  7. Planning Matters
  8. Community Council 1. Financials
  9. Correspondence
  10. Funding Applications 9. Development Trust Update
  11. Report on Scottish Water
    FOI Request
  12. Rally Update
  13. Cal Mac Update
  14. AOCB
  15. DONM

Argyll Rally Road closures detail

Attached is the councils notice to temporary prohibition of traffic at various locations in Cowell for the Argyll Rally. The community council will post this notice on the noticeboards in the village Hall for those who don’t have a ready Internet connection.


CC Meetings Changed to the *Second* Monday of the month

The headline says it all. Scheduled meetings for 2024 take place in either Glendaruel Village Hall (GVH) or the Colintraive Village Hall (CVH) at 7.30pm, and therefore the dates and venue are as follows:

  • 12th February, CVH
  • 11th March, GVH
  • 8th April, CVH
  • 13th May, GVH
  • 10th June, CVH

Break for Summer

  • 9th September, GVH
  • 14th October, CVH
  • 11th November, GVH



Happy New Year!

CGCC is to meet at the Glen Village Hall, at 7.30pm, 8th January 2024. Agenda attached below.


Emergency Temporary Prohibition of Traffic U022 Glendaruel West Road

This is required Between 08:00 and 18:00 hours from the 3rd April to 7th April 2023 to carry out emergency repairs.



On Friday 24th March 2023, Argyll and Bute Council made the above named Order under Section 14(1)(a) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, as amended, which will make it unlawful for any person to drive or cause or permit to be driven any motor vehicle on that length of the U022 Glendaruel West Road, from a point 30 metres north of Glendaurel Bridge in a southerly direction for a distance of 70 metres or thereby

The restrictions, which are required due to essential maintenance works are being or are proposed to be executed on or near the length of road, will be in operation daily between from 0900 hours on the twenty fourth day of April until 1700 hours on the 17th day of September 2023, when indicated by the appropriate traffic signs.

Alternative routes will be signed in an appropriate manner.

The Order is available for viewing on the Council’s website at


On Friday 31st March 2023, Argyll and Bute Council made the above named Order under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, as amended,

Will make it unlawful for any person, shall drive or cause or permit to be driven any motor vehicle whose maximum gross weight exceeds 3 tonnes, on that length of the Glendaruel West Road, as carried by Glendaruel Bridge from a point 30 meters north of Glendaurel Bridge in a southerly direction for 70 metres or thereby.

Will make it unlawful for any person, shall drive or cause or permit to be driven any vehicle at a speed exceeding 10mph, on that length of the Glendaruel West Road, as carried by Glendaruel Bridge from a point 30 meters north of Glendaurel Bridge in a southerly direction for 70 metres or thereby.

These restriction are required to prevent further serious damage to the structure and surface of the bridge.


Colintraive & Glendaruel Community Council invite residents to give their views on second and holiday homes

The Colintraive and Glendaruel Community Council are holding a special discussion for local residents in order to hear their views on the building of new properties, and the sale of existing properties, as second or holiday homes.

The discussion will take place as part of the ordinary Community Council Meeting to be held in the Colintraive Village Hall  at 7.30 pm on Monday 3rd April.

Speaking after the February meeting of the Community Council had decided on the initiative, Charles Dixon -Spain the CGCC Convener said :

The Community Council as a statutory consultee sees applications for a range of developments including new build holiday homes. We are also aware of the increasing purchase of local properties by people who will only occupy them for short periods during the year.   

“We want to see a thriving tourist economy in our area but we are also aware of the pressure on existing housing stock and a growth in new build for holiday rental which can affect the provision of local services , price properties way out of reach of  local people, especially local young people , whilst not contributing to the long term benefit of the community.

“Accordingly we would like to hear from local residents about these matters so that we can develop a policy for the community council which is informed by local views. 

“There is no magic answer to these pressures which are being experienced across Scotland and in much of rural England and Wales as well. However I am sure we all want to secure sustainable communities in this area which balance  the welcome presence of visitors with the needs of full time residents  and which, in so doing, can secure local services such as the school, the post office and current bus links.
“We will therefore devote much of our meeting in April to this topic and we hope local people will turn out and take part in a positive and courteous discussion of this important topic.”


CGCC AGM 2022-23 on 5th June @ Colintraive

The Community Council will be holding its AGM for 2022-23 at 7.30pm on 5th June at Colintraive Village Hall.