Chair’s Report for 2024 AGM
- CGCC have produced and distributed 2 newsletters this past year.
- Progress towards a Clachan defibrillator was abandoned as it became apparent the Brownies were raising funds for this which the CC supports wholeheartedly.
- The CC has pursued road improvements across the year, contributing to the decision to resurface parts of the A886, spot-fill potholes along main and minor roads. But it hasn’t resulted in major improvement of the Old Coast Road which we have emphasised as a priority at every opportunity. We are hopeful that the rally stage on that road will occasion work – either before or after – similar to the improvements on the west road.
- The CC has continued to liaise with the Argyll Rally organisers recognising that the majority of ColGlen residents support the event while understanding that those directly affected by road closures may have a different view. A badly run first year resulted in improvements which made years 2 and 3 outright successes. However Year 4 was problematic for residents along the stages, and therefore with the consultation meeting at the end of August the plans for Year 5 – 2025 – are to be reconsidered.
- The CC has engaged positively with planning applications and planning matters, and was pleased to support the DT’s housing survey which stood adjacent to the CC’s concern about how to regard residential, holiday and letting planning applications. The result of the survey was to initiate a discussion as to how this community can affect planning matters in the interest of this community. The result of that discussion was to decide to investigate the concept of Local Place Planning. And as we shall discuss in the normal business meeting, ABCAN are bringing this forward with meetings planned this autumn.
- This view of longterm planning has been very much at the forefront of the committees mind and has informed their interactions with the Kilmodan Acre Trust and the Cruach Mhor Windfarm Trust. In both cases myself and Michael, as CC representatives on both trusts, are helping to move forward the commitment to good governance and strategic planning. More of which as matters develop.
- Through Michael the CC has been representing this community’s views with Calmac, Ferry user groups and others to ensure we are well-served by ferries and onward connections. We have held initial talks with Community Councils on Bute regarding a fixed link to the island on the basis that this is something Argyll & Bute Council should be considering for the future.
- Cathleen will report on the grants that have been disbursed during the year, but we are in a position to make more grants than are presently being requested. I would also like to note that finally – finally – we are now in receipt of timely electronic payment of funds from Bute Estates from the community benefit fund from the milton Burn hydro project. While this may seem a minor matter, it represents an overall change in posture from the estate which is welcome.
- Lastly, we would like to recruit new councillors. The minimum is 8 meetings a year and we need new members if the CGCC is to continue in existence. The meetings are usually good natured and convivial as we all work hard for the community.