Clean & Tidy

We need your help to keep Colintraive and Gendaruel clean and tidy!

[wptabs mode=”horizontal”] [wptabtitle] General[/wptabtitle] [wptabcontent]Below some hints and tips to help keep our villages clean and tidy:

  • On windy days, secure the lid on your bin or put something heavy on your recycle bag so no refuse can blow around the village!
  • Be a responsible dog owner. Do not let your dog out unsupervised and remember “Scoop it, Bag it, Bin it”!
  • When going for a walk, take a small plastic bag along and pick up any small rubbish items to dispose of in your bin.
  • Report potholes, fly tipping and severe dog fouling to Argyll and Bute Council so that they can fix it (see tabs on this page on the different ways of reporting these problems)

[/wptabcontent][wptabtitle] Road Defects[/wptabtitle] [wptabcontent]Report a Fault on the Road

If you spot a fault on our roads, whether it is a pot hole or a street light not working, you need to report it to Argyll and Bute Council so they can fix it.

You can report any problems with street lighting or faults on the road, such as potholes or damaged signs by phoning Argyll and Bute Council Contact Centre on 01546 605514, by emailing them or by using their online pothole reporting form

You can also report street lighting faults by calling RALF (Road and Lighting Faults) on 0800 37 36 35.
[/wptabcontent] [wptabtitle] Fly Tipping[/wptabtitle] [wptabcontent]Report Fly Tipping

You can report Fly Tipping by phoning Argyll and Bute Council Contact Centre on 01546 605514, by emailing them or by using their online fly tipping reporting form
[/wptabcontent][wptabtitle]Dog Fouling, Control etc[/wptabtitle] [wptabcontent]Dog Warden Service

Argyll and Bute Council employs four dog wardens, one placed in each area of Argyll. They deal with all aspects of dog control, such as:

  • Promotion of responsible dog ownership
  • Enforcement of Dog Fouling legislation and erection of “No Dog Fouling” signs
  • Enforcement of Dog Control legislation (Dangerous Dogs)
  • Uplift and care of stray dogs

If you have a dog complaint please phone Argyll and Bute Council Contact Centre on 01546 605514 or email them .

Remember – Scoop it, Bag it, Bin it
Dog Fouling is unsightly and irresponsible on the part of the dog owner. Argyll and Bute Council is designated under the Dog Fouling (Scotland) Act. This means that it is an offence to allow a dog to foul designated land and not clean it up immediately. Any area of land which is open to the air, on at least one side, to which the public have access, either with or without charge (including parks, recreation areas, foot paths, grass verges, roadside gutters etc.) is classed as designated land.

If you have a dog fouling problem in your area, you can report it by phoning Argyll and Bute Council Contact Centre on 01546 605514, by emailing them , or by using their online reporting form