On Friday 24th March 2023, Argyll and Bute Council made the above named Order under Section 14(1)(a) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, as amended, which will make it unlawful for any person to drive or cause or permit to be driven any motor vehicle on that length of the U022 Glendaruel West Road, from a point 30 metres north of Glendaurel Bridge in a southerly direction for a distance of 70 metres or thereby
The restrictions, which are required due to essential maintenance works are being or are proposed to be executed on or near the length of road, will be in operation daily between from 0900 hours on the twenty fourth day of April until 1700 hours on the 17th day of September 2023, when indicated by the appropriate traffic signs.
Alternative routes will be signed in an appropriate manner.
The Order is available for viewing on the Council’s website at www.argyll-bute.gov.uk/trafficorders
On Friday 31st March 2023, Argyll and Bute Council made the above named Order under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, as amended,
Will make it unlawful for any person, shall drive or cause or permit to be driven any motor vehicle whose maximum gross weight exceeds 3 tonnes, on that length of the Glendaruel West Road, as carried by Glendaruel Bridge from a point 30 meters north of Glendaurel Bridge in a southerly direction for 70 metres or thereby.
Will make it unlawful for any person, shall drive or cause or permit to be driven any vehicle at a speed exceeding 10mph, on that length of the Glendaruel West Road, as carried by Glendaruel Bridge from a point 30 meters north of Glendaurel Bridge in a southerly direction for 70 metres or thereby.
These restriction are required to prevent further serious damage to the structure and surface of the bridge.