
Next CC Meeting 15th October in Colintraive

The next meeting will be at Colintraive Village Hall, Tuesday 15th October at 7.30pm

Minutes from last meeting, plus AGM minutes available here.


Community Council AGM

7.30pm, on the 9th September at the Glendaruel Village Hall

The Annual General Meeting was postponed from June to September at the June meeting of the CC

AGM Agenda

  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Declarations of Interests
  3. Minutes of previous AGM
  4. Matters Arising
  5. Election of Office Bearers
  6. Chair’s Report
  7. Annual Accounts
  8. AOCB
  9. DONM

Agenda for following normal CC Meeting

  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Declarations of Interest
  3. Minutes of Last Meeting
  4. Matters Arising
  5. Police Update
  6. Council Update
  7. Planning Matters
  8. Community Council 1. Financials
  9. Correspondence
  10. Funding Applications 9. Development Trust Update
  11. Report on Scottish Water
    FOI Request
  12. Rally Update
  13. Cal Mac Update
  14. AOCB
  15. DONM

Cost of Living Meeting Cancelled

Due the Community Council being inquorate and illness within the Resilience Group it is with regret that the Second Cost Of Living Meeting on 17th of October at the Glen Hall has been cancelled.

The Resilience Group will announce an alternate date as soon as possible.



To discuss what can be done for households, organisations and businesses during this difficult time
AGENDA will include:
● Cost of Living Household payment for permanent residents
● Help with Heating
● Community Electric Bus
● Commuity Resilience
● Ensuring Community Assets are Financially Secure
● How local businesses can be helped

The Community Council will hold two meetings*:
7.30pm, 26th September at the Colintraive Village Hall
To discuss ideas and consult
7.30pm, 17th October at the Glendaruel Village Hall
To feedback on progress and results

Residents are encouraged to come to both meetings to Contribute ideas and help move initiatives forward.

If you can’t make it, please email
With your questions & ideas!

In association with the Resilience Group, CGDT and the Cruach Mhor Windfarm Trust