
CC AGM Monday 7.30pm 10th June @Colintraive

The Community Council AGM, plus normal meeting will take place on Monday the 10th June. Proceedings will include agenda items on:

  • Local Place Plan
  • Argyll Rally issues
  • Public Toilet Provision
  • Argyll Ferries Timetable & Cancellations

Argyll Rally Road closures detail

Attached is the councils notice to temporary prohibition of traffic at various locations in Cowell for the Argyll Rally. The community council will post this notice on the noticeboards in the village Hall for those who don’t have a ready Internet connection.


CC Meetings Changed to the *Second* Monday of the month

The headline says it all. Scheduled meetings for 2024 take place in either Glendaruel Village Hall (GVH) or the Colintraive Village Hall (CVH) at 7.30pm, and therefore the dates and venue are as follows:

  • 12th February, CVH
  • 11th March, GVH
  • 8th April, CVH
  • 13th May, GVH
  • 10th June, CVH

Break for Summer

  • 9th September, GVH
  • 14th October, CVH
  • 11th November, GVH



Across the Loch, Podcast for ColGlen

Kirsty McLuckie and Michael Russell talking all things ColGlen …

Happy New Year!

CGCC is to meet at the Glen Village Hall, at 7.30pm, 8th January 2024. Agenda attached below.

B836 Closure News

Closure of B836 – Urgent Action Requested of the Council

At our hugely well-attended meeting on the 9th October in Colintraive, the CC undertook to take several actions, the most important of which was to write to the Council to ask for urgent action on the repair / rebuild of the bridge at Loch Striven which prevents the B836 being re-opened. The text of the letter is below.

We should also report that the A886 has now been cleared as we requested on the 10th, and we have asked for further signage to highlight the damage to the road surface at Stronardron and just north of Springfield.

We should also thank local volunteers for stepping in on the morning of the 11th to start the clearance work. Their efforts were much appreciated!

Our letter to the council:

Dear Robin and Pippa,

Closure of the A836 – Urgent Action Needed

On behalf of the community of Colintraive and Glendaruel we are writing to highlight the critical importance to our community of the timely reopening of the B836 by means of  the repair or replacement of the bridge at  Balliemore at the top of Loch Striven.    Our Community Council meeting on Monday was the best attended we have ever held and focused very closely on the issues arising as a result of the bridge being condemned and it was agreed that everything possible should be done to draw attention to the issue and seek the Council’s urgent input.

While we congratulate the council and its staff on their impressive and seemingly tireless response to the challenges to our infrastructure since the extraordinary weather event of the 6th/7th October, we want to ensure that this issue of the bridge is not lost or demoted in consideration but given the urgent priority it deserves.    

Although a B road, the 836 is a vital link for all of West Cowal and for Bute. Its closure and the diversion via Strachur, means, for our communities and for the rest of West Cowal as well as for Bute, a minimum additional travelling distance of 20 miles for each and every trip – 40 for a return  trip. That in itself is not only a major disruption to normal life – for example for picking up children who are at after school activities – it will add further to the social and economic isolation of a large part of rural Argyll. It will also increase costs of travel, mean greater wear and tear (and mileage) on our already over-stretched cars and will increase costs for local business, not least because the route is a Timber Transport Route as well as the main community route for tradespeople going to and from Dunoon to Rothesay and vice versa. The closure will make access to our communities for those delivering services and goods – for example social work or the delivery of food stuffs or on-line orders – much more difficult and costly. It will also mean that our communities are

  • beyond the reach of Emergency Health Services within the Golden Hour
  • at least 20 critical minutes more distant for Fire and Police Services.
  • experiencing more than an additional half-hour on bus journey times for some – and most particularly for school age children getting to and from school

We estimate that given a minimum usage of 200 personal return journeys per day on the route,  there will be an astonishing 240,000 extra miles driven each month the bridge remains closed.   That figure does not include the costs to  companies including delivery vans. The additional carbon added to the atmosphere will be very substantial.  

We anticipate that your meeting on Monday will focus on the outstanding issues of repair and clearance facing  the council, but it must also, in our view, consider with urgency the process by which the bridge can be either rebuilt or replaced within the shortest possible time scale. We understand there are potential solutions which would include using the old bridge foundations that are still extant or using the track to the farm that exists as a temporary replacement by surfacing it and putting in place a temporary bridge or major covered culvert.  

We look forward to an early response and we would be keen to meet with representatives of the Council to discuss this further. We are copying this to the ward councillors who we hope will be active in ensuring rapid progress.  

Kind regards,


Charles Dixon-Spain
Convener, Colintaive and Glendaruel Community Council


Next CGCC Meeting 9th Oct.

Colintraive Village Hall at 7.30pm. Agenda and draft minutes to be posted here.


Emergency Temporary Prohibition of Traffic U022 Glendaruel West Road

This is required Between 08:00 and 18:00 hours from the 3rd April to 7th April 2023 to carry out emergency repairs.



On Friday 24th March 2023, Argyll and Bute Council made the above named Order under Section 14(1)(a) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, as amended, which will make it unlawful for any person to drive or cause or permit to be driven any motor vehicle on that length of the U022 Glendaruel West Road, from a point 30 metres north of Glendaurel Bridge in a southerly direction for a distance of 70 metres or thereby

The restrictions, which are required due to essential maintenance works are being or are proposed to be executed on or near the length of road, will be in operation daily between from 0900 hours on the twenty fourth day of April until 1700 hours on the 17th day of September 2023, when indicated by the appropriate traffic signs.

Alternative routes will be signed in an appropriate manner.

The Order is available for viewing on the Council’s website at


On Friday 31st March 2023, Argyll and Bute Council made the above named Order under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, as amended,

Will make it unlawful for any person, shall drive or cause or permit to be driven any motor vehicle whose maximum gross weight exceeds 3 tonnes, on that length of the Glendaruel West Road, as carried by Glendaruel Bridge from a point 30 meters north of Glendaurel Bridge in a southerly direction for 70 metres or thereby.

Will make it unlawful for any person, shall drive or cause or permit to be driven any vehicle at a speed exceeding 10mph, on that length of the Glendaruel West Road, as carried by Glendaruel Bridge from a point 30 meters north of Glendaurel Bridge in a southerly direction for 70 metres or thereby.

These restriction are required to prevent further serious damage to the structure and surface of the bridge.


Argyll Rally on 23-24th June 2023: Residents’ Pack

Many residents in the community will have received notifications over the last couple of weeks regarding this, but for ease the CC is publishing the text of the communication.

Mull Car Club will once again organise a closed road special stage rally on the 23rd and 24th June 2023. This will be a round of the Scottish Rally Championship, the BTRDA Asphalt Rally Championship and several other national and regional championships. The route will once again be held on closed public roads around Dunoon and the Cowal peninsula.

The rally will pass properties in Colglen and may restrict access due to the road closures detailed on the maps below. To ensure the safe running of the event restrictions will be put in place at the noted dates/times.



During the times noted the road will be closed to all traffic and pedestrians. As the event organisers, we will make the utmost effort to minimise the disruption the event causes you and we will assist you to gain access/egress from your property during the running of the event.

Approximately 3 weeks prior to the event you will receive a residents information pack which will contain; contact details, what to do in case of an emergency, access during road closure times, event timings and the latest updates regarding the event and the impact on local residents.

If you have any questions or would like to notify us of any scheduled visitors (e.g. carers) that may require access during the times detailed above please contact us via email on:

We hope you can embrace this event and enjoy the spectacle as some of the best drivers in the UK tackle our roads and bring some much welcomed income to the area.