
Next Meeting: 28/03/22

The ColGlen Community Council’s next meeting will take place at the Glendaruel Village Hall at 7.30pm on Monday 28th of March 2022. All welcome.
If you cannot make the meeting and would like any points raised, please email

Message from Police Scotland regarding text message scams:

Scams affecting the most Vulnerable – We need your help
We are asking you to please pass information about this scam onto family members, someone you care for or even your neighbours.
Reports received by Argyll & West Dunbartonshire Police Division indicate that a number of our local residents have been getting contacted by scammers via mobile phone text message or WhatsApp message.
The content of the message is that the caller (a supposed) trusted friend or family member, often saying they are a son or daughter, has recently changed their phone number and in need of some money to pay an outstanding bill or for food. On occasion these messages have gone unchallenged and money has been transferred.
This message will come from a mobile number that you do not recognise.

Spring boosters to be rolled out – message from A&B Health + Social Care Partnership

Spring boosters to be rolled out – All residents in Highland, Argyll and Bute aged over 75 or those who are immunosuppressed are being invited for a spring booster dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.

For more info, visit


Argyll Rally – CGCC Response

ColGlen Community Council’s response to Argyll & Bute Council regarding the proposed 2022 Argyll Rally can be found on our website, along with the minutes of the Community Consultation from 16/02 –


Collective Leadership Model – Open Letter

Our open letter to Argyll & Bute Council regarding the proposed ‘Collective Leadership Model’ can be found on our website…/
For more information on the proposed changes the Education system in Argyll and Bute, visit

Water Survey – reminder

A reminder to anyone who has not yet filled in the water survey distributed to households late last year, the deadline is Monday 21 March 2022. You can email your completed survey to or post to the address on the bottom of the form. If anyone would like another copy of the survey, please contact the above email.

Fire Safety Awareness Sessions.

Please see below and attached information from Barry Puncher, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, regarding Fire Safety Awareness Sessions.
“We are hosting free Fire Safety Awareness Sessions that will be delivered by your local Community Action Team. The main purpose of our Community Action Team is to work in partnership with communities and with others in the public, private and third sectors, on prevention, protection and response, to improve the safety and well-being of people throughout Scotland.
Scottish Fire & Rescue attend around 5000 accidental dwelling fires each year. This results in around 1200 casualties and approximately 40 fire deaths. The majority of these are preventable and are often known to other agencies. With these Awareness sessions and your help, we can try and reduce these numbers.
“Home Fire Safety Awareness Session”
The presentation will take approximately 30 minutes to complete, however the invite will be shown as an hour to allow time for questions to be answered and time for you to complete our online evaluation. If your time is limited and you can’t stay with us for the whole hour please let one of the session facilitators aware that you will be dropping out during the Q&A.
We are using Eventbrite to administer places on these Awareness Sessions. To book your place please click here:
Please note that you must book your place at least Two days in advance of the start date and time.
Tickets are free, we just ask you to kindly complete our online evaluation form that will be sent to you during or after your session.

Scottish Community Councils Facebook

The Scottish Community Councils Facebook page was launched earlier this year, and we are keen to ensure that the page becomes both a resource for community councillors and a forum for highlighting best practice and innovative projects by community councils.

The Facebook page can be found here and I would be grateful if you would share it with your community councils and ask councillors to like or follow the page to keep up to date with the latest news.

Community Councils which have their own pages on Facebook can also like the Scottish Community Councils page by clicking on the three dots at the top right, where they will be given the option to “Like as your page”.

Please encourage your community councils to share news and information about their current and upcoming projects so that we can in turn share it with the rest of the community council network in Scotland. Any suggested news items or ideas for content should be sent to

From next week, the Scottish CCs Facebook and Twitter pages will also be promoting our partnership with the Open University, which offers all community council volunteers the chance to upskill and reskill through online OU courses. These courses are free and more information can be found here:

It would be great if you could speak to your council’s communications teams and ask them to share our online content from the local authority account, to try and ensure that we reach as many community councillors as possible.


Emma Swift

