
Training for sharing with networks

To:  Community Council Secretaries and/or Conveners

Dear Colleagues,

Some of you may have picked up on this training already but for those that have not our colleagues in the Community Development Team have arranged Environmental and Climate Consideration training for community organisations which may be of interest to you or your members.  The training will take part on 15th or 21st June, however the team would also be happy to discuss additional dates or provision of in-person training if there is interest from several groups in a particular area.

Information on the training is as follows:

Environmental and climate considerations for community organisations – free training from the Argyll and Bute Council Community Development team, 15th or 21st June

Is your organisation or community group keen to reduce its environmental impact or minimise the impact of climate change on its work? Not sure where to start? This short introductory course will give you some practical ideas and highlight helpful resources.

Activities will be based around writing a simple environmental policy that helps you take effective action, without creating lots of extra work for your organisation. There will be space to discuss the issues most important to you, and we will explore what you can do now to “climate-proof” your organisation or community.

If you have any queries about whether this course is right for you, please feel free to get in touch with Becky on 01631 567912 or

Booking links

Weds 15th June 18:00 – 20:00

Tues 21st June 10:00 – 12:00

Kind Regards
