
Community Council By-Election Announced

Unfortunately only three community councillors were returned after the recent elections which means the Community Council cannot conduct business until a by-election has been held on 15th December. The community council is therefore looking for candidates to put themselves forward by the 3rd November.

The nomination pack is available here:


Community Council Elections Called for 20th October 2022


Until Thursday 8th  September at 4pm, the Returning Officer (RO) will be in a position to accept nomination form for Community Councillors for the Colintraive and Glendaruel Community Council.  The forms can be returned by post to the Returning Officer, Kilmory, Lochgilphead, PA31 8RT, by hand to the same address, or by emailing to  The guidance notes in the nomination pack make reference to the possibility that your proposer and seconder may need to email separately to confirm that they support your nomination where it is not possible to have wet signatures on nomination forms returned by email.  

If you have any questions about the election process then please do feel free to get in touch with

The Community Council does have paper copies of the nomination pack, but recommends emailing nominations in the first place. Do get in touch via this website if you would like to know more about becoming a community councillor.