
Avian Influenza

Please find below a briefing on avian influenza for your information

The avian influenza outbreak in the UK continues with confirmed outbreaks in England.  However the impact has been devastating for affected commercial and domestic poultry premises and also wild bird colonies. In Scotland, there continues to  be reports of dead bird carcases being washed up on shorelines, although numbers are decreasing.

Current national position

The enhanced biosecurity measures brought in across Great Britain in November 2022 when there was a medium risk for some poultry premises have been vital in protecting flocks across the country from the virus which is circulating in wild birds. The UK Chief Veterinary Officer announced yesterday that the risk of avian influenza has now reduced to low for all poultry and as a result, the mandatory requirements will be lifted from midday on Tuesday 16 August. Whilst the risk in kept birds has reduced, all bird keepers should still follow enhanced measures at all times to prevent the risk of future outbreaks and all poultry gatherings, including at fairs, shows and markets, remain banned, due to a large number of flocks mixing together and the risk posed by any infections spreading across the country

The current situation in Argyll and Bute and actions being taken by the Council are as follows:

1.       We continue to publicise the DEFRA guidance via social media on the key actions the public, landowners and poultry keepers should take emphasising key national measures. Social media messaging is continuing and we encourage you to share this information through your own networks, organisations and communities;

2.       Our website is updated regularly

3.       The number of dead wild bird carcases being washed ashore is reducing from figures reported over the last 3 weeks, but continues to affect areas of our shorelines including Kintyre, Gigha, Islay, Mid Argyll and Mull

4.       Specific contact has been made with commercial poultry businesses to discuss the situation and their arrangements.

5.       The Council have received notification of a positive case of avian influenza in a dead white tail eagle in Mull. This has been assessed in accordance with public health risk and no further action is required.

6.       There is no statutory duty on the Council to remove dead bird carcases from our coastline. Our decision is to follow DEFRA guidance and leave them in situ, with advice issued to the pubic not to uplift or touch these carcases. The Council do not have the resources to commit to an uplift program. Advice has been issued to landowners who may decide to uplift them on how to collect and dispose of them safely. There is public and member expectations that the Council will uplift the dead bird carcases and criticism of our approach.

7.       Public health risks are low and with the risk of viable virus reduces through sunlight and increasing temperatures

8.       The Council continues to contribute to the Scottish working group on avian influenza, chaired by Nature Sortland.

9.       Regulatory Services are monitoring the situation, responding to public enquiries and reviewing our strategy weekly

10.   If you receive any enquiries, please refer them to the Councils, website for further information. Avian Influenza (Bird Flu) (